September 17 2024- 6:30 p.m. ZOOM 

Immigration and Naturalization from 1790 – 1945

     By Suzanne Hoffman

 Wonderful information packed presentation on the history of immigration, how it was used to discriminate against women, different countries of origin, what records are available, and how to obtain records.

Did you know at one time, women who were born in the US could lose their citizenship ?


This program is courtesy of the BYU Library.  Attendees can ask questions thruout via chat. 

 This is a general meeting of the TMCGS membership, but is also open to the public.

October 1 2024- 2:00 p.m. Genealogy Meetup

Location: 304 E. Mulberry (park behind the building)

(Hosted by Normal Public Library) 

(or you can attend ZOOM if you like)

 Normal Public Libraries Genealogy Meetup

Preregistration at the NPL website

Registration and to obtain Zoom link: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

This meeting is open to the public, but members of The McLean County Genealogical Society to attend along with others who have expertise in finding solutions to your search problems – including DNA questions.


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November 12, 2024, 6:30 PM  VIA ZOOM

TMCGS Board Meeting

Meeting will be to create a slate of officers for the November 19 election meeting and other business that may arise.

Zoom link: 

Chat will be open for discussion. This presentation is to introduce you to what is available at RootsTech.


November 19, 2024 – 6:30 p.m., Tuesday

The McLean County Genealogy Society General Meeting and Election of Officers

Join Zoom Meeting