Got a few minutes? Watch something interesting and educational, for free !
FREE genealogical videos from ANCESTRY
ANCESTRY has a collection of videos on DNA, tree building, and other topics that are not exclusive to the Ancestry site.
You do not need an Ancestry Subscription to learn.
If you did an Ancestry DNA test years ago, lots of new things have happened since then.
Click here to enjoy
WikiTree – a FREE genealogical resource by Logan Gavin
Logan is an expert on WikiTree – a public free resource for Genealogy
Find out what to expect – how to use and enjoy it.
Originally presented at the Normal Public Library August 6, 2024 Genealogy Meet UP.
Click here to enjoy
Sensational Deaths – Where to find information
Tina Beaird gives this very resourceful and interesting presentation in 2016 for Genealogy Day. This may be a few years old, but the sensational deaths discussed and the sources are still good.
Pause and take screenshots to capture the links you can use to find cool stuff.
Click here to open the YouTube video in a new tab and enjoy.
The McLean Regiment
Bill Iseminger has written “From McLean To Mobile” using the diaries of his Civil War ancestors about the McLean County regiment.
The book is very interesting and recommended. Pick up a copy at the McLean County Museum of History.
Program sponsored by the Museum.
Click here to open the YouTube video in a new tab and enjoy.
Why Oh Why do Your Y-DNA
Tanner Tolman originally presented this at RootsTech 2023
An excellent introduction to Y DNA and the difference between the tests available.
We reviewed this as a TMCGS general meeting and FamilySearch now has it is
available on YouTube video Click HERE to begin video.
Click Tanner’s Photo to download the handout!
Immigration and Naturalization from 1790 – 1945
By Suzanne Hoffman
Wonderful information packed presentation on the history of immigration, how it was used to discriminate against women, different countries of origin, what records are available, and how to obtain records.
Did you know at one time, women who were born in the US could lose their citizenship ?
This program is courtesy of the BYU Library
Just Getting Started in Genealogy?
5 part series by the Historical Society of Missouri will get you up to speed
This 2020 series gives you a solid foundation on your genealogy trail.
Free resources, land records, vital records
Click here to open the YouTube video in a new tab for part I and enjoy.
Union Civil War Pension Files
Excellent presentation by Claire Prechtel Kluskens on YouTube
Civil Was pension files often contain a treasure trove of information.
This video will tell you what was required and why certain things turn up in these files
Click on the introslide (left) to open the YouTube video in a new tab.